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Window Cleaning Professional

Window Cleaning Solution

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Window Cleaning Solution

Professional window cleaners use a variety of tools to achieve streak-free windows. They include a scrubber brush with soap solution; a high-quality squeegee; and a clean, lint-free cloth.

You might think that the best window cleaning solution would be a complex chemical blend purchased from a cleaning supply store. But the truth is, most of these cleaning solutions are actually made with basic ingredients you probably already have at home. Read more.


A scrubber is a T-shaped piece of equipment with a rubber blade that professional window cleaners use to wipe the water off of windows. It’s one of the most important tools to have in your window cleaning supplies and can help you achieve a streak-free finish on your windows.

The scrubber can be used to remove any debris from your windows, such as paint specks, labels, or dirt. You can also use it to clean any window frames that may be stuck or covered with debris. To prevent scratching, you should only pass the scrubber across the surface in a forward direction.

The scrubber is a valuable tool to have in your window cleaning supplies and can be purchased at any janitorial supply store or online. You can also make your own window cleaner using a mixture of distilled water and dish soap. This will save you money and is environmentally friendly. Just be sure to use a scrubber that is made of durable rubber that can withstand a lot of wear and tear.


Besides a scrubber, the only other tool that every professional window cleaner needs is a high-quality squeegee. This tool has a plastic T-bar handle and rubber blade slots at the top, and it is available for purchase at many major suppliers. It’s a good idea to invest in a squeegee with an extension handle for washing higher windows without having to climb on a ladder.

To create their cleaning solution, window washers typically mix filtered or distilled water with a few spoonfuls of dish soap. The water helps the soap to foam up, enabling it to slide over glass better. Some companies also blend in ammonia or a surfactant to help break up grease and grime on the windows. If they’re using a chemical solution, the cleaner must be rinsed off of the glass before squeegeeing it dry to avoid streaking and lint. This cleaning process can take a while, especially for high-rise buildings. But it’s the best way to achieve a clean, streak-free finish.

Scratch Remover

Professional window cleaners follow an exact process to ensure a polished, pristine finish. They start at the top of each window to direct any debris and dirt downward to a lower window in their cleaning path. They also work from left to right to ensure each row of windows is wiped clean. They may remove paint specks, labels, or other sticky residues from glass using a razor blade mounted in a scraper. Wet the blade before pushing it across the surface to avoid scratching the tempered glass.

You can find scratch-remover products at hardware and home improvement stores to mend light scratches in the clear coat of your glass. However, if the glass is damaged down to the bare metal, these products won’t be effective. Bronze wool is rust-resistant and non-abrasive, so it can be used to mend deeper scratches without damaging the glass. However, it isn’t recommended for painted or steel frames. For these, you’ll need to use a squeegee instead.

Microfiber Towels

Microfiber towels are a must-have addition to any professional window cleaning solution. These towels are super absorbent and help create a streak-free finish.

These cloths are also great for removing stubborn dirt and grime without the need for chemicals. You can find these cleaning wonders in many different sizes and colors to suit your needs.

Aside from being lint-free and durable, they are also excellent for dusting. Unlike cotton, which pushes dust particles around rather than picking them up, split microfiber is positively charged and attracts negatively-charged debris like a magnet.

The best part about a homemade glass cleaner is that it is eco-friendly and safer for your skin and lungs than most commercially-produced products. You can also control the ratios of ingredients and adjust them as needed. Plus, making your own window cleaner saves bottles from the landfill and cuts down on fuel costs that would’ve been used to transport them to the store. Refer to This Web Page.